Wednesday, September 23, 2009


When the alarm went off this morning at 5:30 I realised that it was darker than normal. It was raining when I went to bed the night before, so I assumed that it was cloudy or foggy, or still raining. When I got up at 6:00, I still wasn't able to see the lights from the adjacent buildings, so knew there must be fog, but noticed that there was a reddish colour. I immediately assumed that there must be a building on fire, surely it wasn't glow from a surrounding bushfire? My partner turned on the morning news (as usual) and the first story said that the city was engulfed in a dust storm. It is absolutely one of the oddest things I've ever seen. Apparently, these storms are common further inland, but rarely make it to the coast, and never (if ever) in Sydney. For some really great images, check out this site and this one. They are amazing.
I imagine this is what the sky will look like to future humans if we ever make it to Mars.

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