Sunday, March 21, 2010

sarah, sarah, and more sarah

I received 5 copies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story in the mail yesterday, courtesy my niece. She thought I was kidding when I asked her to send them to me. She said it was worse than buying porn from the local convenient store! Seeing is certainly believing - this woman is fruitier than a nutcake! I plan on using them for SARAH! SARAH! SARAH!, I'm just not completely sure for what just yet. The original idea was to do some origami with the magazine paper -a kaleidoscope of Sarah Palins. Now, no so sure...this thing could go almost anywhere now. There's just so much raw material to work, perhaps?

So far, I have 11 people committed to SARAH! SARAH! SARAH!, and another 6 who are seriously contemplating. It's a good diverse group of artists, and I'm looking forward to the outcomes.

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