Thursday, August 20, 2009

Death Panels and Drama Queens

I hesitate to give any weight to this topic, but here I am doing it nonetheless. The two things that keep me connected to the "goings on" in the US are Andrew Sullivan's blog at the Atlantic and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. When the pitbull with lipstick made her infamous statement about Obama's health care plan containing death panels, I wasn't shocked. Nothing this woman says surprises me. She is creepy, shameless, and a liar who panders to the worst elements in American culture. It is completely fascinating to me that she has become the goddess of conservatism in the US. Ignorance is strength, I suppose.

The past couple of weeks I've seen an endless parade of wacky people on YouTube screaming at the top of their lungs at town hall meetings. Obama is now Hitler and the whole country is going to hell in a handbasket. If it isn't the Christians, its the LaRouche clan, and the whole bloody mess looks pretty goddamn silly from the outside. It's hard to explain the connection and the disconnection I experience simultaneously while watching and listening to these bizarre exchanges. It's comical and it's disturbing, no other way to describe it.
This morning I got the pleasure of watching Barney Frank say what has been on my mind for quite sometime. If you missed it, you can check it out here.

Ideologues are a sorry lot...nothing more than silly willy nilly drama queens.

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